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Could do Better 2

Other things just getting done which should have been completed months ago

Other things just getting done which should have been completed months ago are;

The video cameras around San Antonio's hot spots have only just started to transmit pictures albeit very slowly as there aren't enough ADSL lines to carry the pictures.

The Calle Es Calo in San Antonio Bay, known as the strip, will change to a one way system in September, two years after it was mooted and just when the traffic chaos of July and August has ended.

The reopening of the Calle Valencia, which carries the bulk of traffic from Port des Torrent to Cala Bassa, has finally happened 10 months after it was closed last year. The most important aspect of the works, a roundabout at the Es Cuco junction has not even been started so the road will close again soon for its completion.

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